Westkam awarded €5000 in BASF’s competition “Connected to Care”

In March this year, Westkam member and BASF employee, Deniz Akyol together with colleagues, entered Westkam into an internal BASF competition to bid for funding to build a well at the school in Bakoko, West Cameroon. The competition called “Connected to Care” was open to all BASF employees and required entrants to write a description of the organization they support with reasons why this organization should receive funding.

Deniz and his colleagues outlined Westkam’s work so far. BASF employees could then read the descriptions of the 450 pre-selected projects in the competition, and vote for those they found most convincing. Each employee could vote for more than one project, but was only allowed to allocate one vote per project.

A few months of waiting followed, and in May we received news that Westkam had been awarded €5000 towards building a solar-powered well. The well will make a great difference to the everyday lives of pupils in Bakoko because they will have access to drinking water on the premises of the school. The overall cost of the well is still to be finalized, but the funding from BASF will give us a significant head start in this important project.  In addition to the BASF funding, the well will be financed by the money raised from Westkam’s annual Mango Campaign. The building will commence in the dry season in Cameroon, which is from January to March 2016.

We would like to thank all BASF employees who voted for our project and we will keep you updated on our progress.

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